Hawaii Rush

United FC Rush


DevelopmentAL ACADEMY

DA Winter Registration OPEN

About United FC Rush DA

WHAT- Developmental Academy is a fun, faster paced, educational soccer program for motivated U7-U8 players interested in transitioning to competitive soccer at U9.  Players who are able to listen and understand directions, work to give their best effort, enjoy competition, love learning, and are ready for the next level above Rec will be a great fit for the DA Program.


  1. Help players become best possible version of themselves.
  2. Facilitate for players a lasting love of the game.
  3. Align learning and experience with the U9/U10 competitive program.
  4. Prepare players to understand the rules and structure of the competitive world.
  5. Make it challenging, educational, and FUN!



Fall - September and October @ Gutzwiller Park, St Michael. (Saturdays and one Weekday)

Winter - January & February @ STMA High School Dome (Thursday's and Sunday's)

Spring - April and May @ Lower Rec, St Michael. (TBA)

Summer - DA League: June and July @ Lower Rec, St Michael. (TBA)


Each season we will have a 5-6 week commitment, twice per week. The training sessions will be led by United FC Rush U10 & Younger Director of Coaching, Rebecca Scott, along with volunteer parent assistant coaches, and Youth Coaches of Tomorrow Staff.


Each participant will be provided with a United FC Rush DA shirt. We ask that parents independently purchase plain black socks and black shorts.

Registration Fee:

Fall - $135 (early bird registration closes July 22) - $155 after that date
Winter - $150/session (early bird registration closes December 1) - $175 after that date
Spring/Summer - $135 (early bird registration close date TBA) - $155 after that date

games and events

DA Summer League

This season, we are endeavoring to Launch a DA Summer League. In the past, DA players have been required to join the rec program for the summer to continue to play games. With increasing participation in our program, we hope to launch a full dedicated league for DA players in which teams will be formed to compete In-House against one another over the course of the season. TO be eligible for DA League your player must have participated in at least one other season of DA during the year. (Fall, Winter, Spring)

DA Unity Games

Each Fall, Winter, and Spring season will incorporate a scrimmage day or event where players compete in our "DA Unity Games" vs qualified Rec teams, or U9 competitive teams. The games are designed to be appropriately challenging for our DA players, and get them experience with playing against new players outside of the DA program. We also seek to schedule games vs other clubs when possible, but cannot guarantee this every season.

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PHILOSOPHY- This program places importance on long term growth, by focusing on individual player development rather than a win-at-all-costs mentality. The goal is to accelerate player’s Technical Abilities, Cognitive Abilities, Game IQ, and Psychosocial Maturity, so they have a head start when entering U9 Competitive Soccer. We are invested in helping players become best possible version of themselves, and facilitating for them a lasting love of the game!


Rebecca Scott


U10 and Younger Director of Coaching

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