Hawaii Rush

United FC Rush



United FC Rush Travel Program is designed for everyone, regardless of ability level. Within our league structure withTCSL we are able to form teams that compete at levels that are equal to ours. The United FC Rush Travel program is competitive and players electing to participate are required to prepare with their best attendance and practices during the off season to best equip them for the season ahead.

The United FC Rush Travel KEY Points:

- Fall (no Fall soccer for U15+) and Winter/Spring/Summer Seasons
- Age Specific Development Staff
- Standardized Developmental Curriculum
- Winter Training at the Indoor Training Facility and United FC Rush Dome
- Goalkeeper Training
- Fitness/Agility Training
- Age Group Pool Training
- 4-6 Winter Jamborees
- Futsal training


U11 - U19 Travel Cost $1,150
League (U11-U19): TCSL
Practices: Fall & Spring Schedule set by coach
Winter Training: Indoor trainings begin mid Nov.
Spring / Summer Teams begin outside practice in Mid April
Games: Schedule set by TCSL
Fall 6 games U12 - U14
Spring 8 - 10 games
Game Nights: Fall Weekends
Game Nights: Spring Monday / Wednesday Schedule or
Tuesday/Thursday Schedule
Travel: Yes
Weekend Tournaments: Yes
Days Per Week: 2-3 (1 game, 2 practice)
Uniform: Rush Capelli Uniforms
Soccer Ball Size:
Cleats: Yes
Shin Guards: Mandatory
Length of Sessions: 1-1.25 hours
Roster size: 14 - 18 players
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